Greater Manchester

Job Type: Brick and Mortar Tinting
Job Location: Greater Manchester
Job Date: March 2022
Time to Complete Job: 9 hours.
Description of work:
For this particular job, the homeowner had built an extension on their property after the recent birth of a child. They needed more space without having the stress of moving house, building an extension was therefore an ideal solution. However, the builder they used couldn’t find the same brick, and they didn’t use red sand for the mortar, as it was with the existing bricks on the home.
So, the client contacted us for a brick tinting and mortar tinting quote on the extension to blend the new bricks in with the existing ones. The area of work was approximately 14 square meters. We used a blend of 5 different colours including brown, purple, orange, and yellow to get the perfect colour match for the bricks. We used a red tint on the mortar to correct the colour here.
It is important to consider getting both the bricks and the mortar tinted when requesting our service as the mortar colour can make a very big difference to the overall appearance. It can even make it look as though we have not got the correct colour on the brick simply because the lines between the bricks are different to the original structure.
We mix colours on-site at each job, specifically for your project to ensure that we get a perfect colour match. Our technicians dry the bricks artificially when doing a test patch. This is done before completing the remainder of the job to ensure the colour is correct once the tint has dried as it will look different when it is first applied when wet.
Overall, the difference between the before and after for this job shows just how much of a difference our brick-and-mortar tinting service can make! Your home will go from looking disjointed to seamlessly blending together and looking beautiful again!
Do you have an extension that is ruining the look of your home due to mismatching brick and mortar? Give us a call or request a free quote online today.